Mel, the dedicated Activities Coordinator at Cherry Trees Care Home in Barnsley, has recently earned her Level 2 Dementia Awareness award, further enhancing her ability to provide compassionate and informed care.

At Cherry Trees Care Home in Cundy Cross, Barnsley, we recently celebrated Activity Coordinator Mel’s incredible milestones and profound dedication to person-centred care, particularly in dementia support and care.


Reflecting on her remarkable one-year journey with us, Mel, our devoted Activities Coordinator, recently achieved her Level 2 Dementia Awareness award. Her transformative experience underscores the impact of proactive learning and a commitment to improving the lives of those affected by dementia and other memory issues.


“When I first stepped into the role of Activities Coordinator, my understanding of dementia was limited. I hadn’t encountered it frequently, and my knowledge was largely based on media portrayals,” shared Mel.

However, a pivotal 2-day course, thoughtfully arranged by Keeley, our Home Manager, radically reshaped Mel’s perspective on this complex brain illness.


Since her course, Mel has dedicated herself to deeper learning, recommending insightful resources like Wendy Mitchell’s books to everyone. Her expanded knowledge has significantly enriched her ability to fulfil her role, providing a deeper understanding of dementia’s complexities.


Keen to enhance her understanding, Mel identified a Level 2 Dementia Awareness course at her local college. With Keeley’s wholehearted support, Mel enrolled and now serves as the Dementia Champion at Cherry Trees. Her passion for sharing knowledge has led her to organise comprehensive training for staff and create valuable resources for both relatives and the team.


Mel’s commitment doesn’t stop there. Actively researching and exploring diverse activities and techniques, she actively seeks ways to support individuals living with dementia. Her recent visit to the local dementia charity, BIADS, exemplifies her vision for collaboration, leveraging their resources to benefit our community.


BIADS is a compassionate centre in Barnsley, offering vital support to those affected by dementia and their families. Their meaningful activities and events provide essential emotional support and information.


Mel’s unwavering dedication to understanding, supporting, and enriching the lives of those living with dementia is truly inspiring. Her proactive efforts make a meaningful difference in our community, and we are incredibly proud to have her on our team.


Experience exceptional care at Highgate – where kindness, equality, diversity, and inclusivity drive our commitment to excellence in residential, nursing, and dementia services.