This week at Bridlington's Foresters Lodge Care the residents have been soaking up the beautiful sunshine and embracing National Gardening Week with enthusiasm!

This National Gardening Week, Foresters Lodge Care Home has been basking in the beautiful sunshine and the joy of gardening, an activity that not only beautifies the environment but also enhances the well-being of its residents. Angie, Activities Lead at Foresters Lodge, facilitated a special one-on-one gardening session with JB, a resident and enthusiastic gardener.

The day’s events started with a trip to a local garden centre where vibrant plants were selected to enhance the charming, sunlit courtyard of Foresters Lodge. Despite its modest size, the courtyard serves as an ideal spot for such enriching activities.

Planting these plants was not merely about aesthetic enhancement. It serves as a therapeutic activity that offers significant benefits to residents, particularly those living with dementia. Gardening is recognized for its sensory benefits, including memory improvement and stress reduction. It also promotes physical well-being, helping to maintain mobility and overall health.

“Engaging our residents in gardening during National Gardening Week has been wonderfully beneficial,” said Angie. “It’s a perfect blend of physical activity, relaxation, and enjoyment that contributes greatly to their quality of life.”

Foresters Lodge Care Home invites the community to experience the warmth and nurturing environment it offers. To schedule a visit and see first-hand the impact of such activities, please contact Foresters Lodge.