Residents Maurice and Cath, accompanied by Activity Coordinators Michaela and Michelle, ventured out between rain showers for a refreshing walk around Beverley

Amidst the unpredictable April weather, Figham House Care Home took the opportunity to engage residents in a delightful outing around Beverley, that celebrated local history and community connection. Residents Maurice and Cath, accompanied by Activity Coordinators Michaela and Michelle, ventured out between rain showers for a refreshing walk, filled with nostalgia and new discoveries.


The group’s journey began near the local beck, where Maurice and Cath posed alongside a charming resident boat, providing a picturesque start to their adventure. As they wandered, Cath shared vivid memories of the area’s historical landscape, highlighting the transformation from milling hubs to residential developments. “It’s hard to imagine—this area has changed so much over the years,” Cath remarked, astonished by the modern housing that has taken the place of old mills.


Their exploration continued to Flemingate, a quaint shopping district that was entirely new to Cath. The group enjoyed a leisurely pause, engaging in people-watching and absorbing the lively environment. “This definitely wasn’t here the last time I visited!” Cath exclaimed, thrilled by the evolution of her surroundings.


Despite the brisk wind, the outing was a heartwarming experience, fostering laughter, shared stories, and deepened friendships. Both Maurice and Cath expressed their gratitude towards Michaela and Michelle for organising the outing. “We had such a lovely afternoon. It’s not just about getting out; it’s about sharing these moments that bring us together,” Maurice noted.


Michelle, one of the Activity Coordinators, highlighted the significance of such outings: “These excursions are immensely beneficial. Although we often conduct one-to-one sessions, today’s two-to-two format provided even more enjoyment and camaraderie. It’s wonderful to see how these activities uplift our residents.”


Figham House Care Home is committed to enriching the lives of its residents through meaningful engagements that connect them with the community and each other, ensuring every outing is memorable.